Periodically, the Club stages a Standard Flower Show according to National Garden Club standards. The shows consist of floral designs created by Garden Club members, and horticulture specimens grown in their gardens. They are competitively judged by nationally accredited judges. Various special educational exhibits often are included. The purpose of such shows is to educate Club members and the public, to stimulate interest in horticulture and floral design and to provide an outlet for creative expression.
Additionally, the club has a Bench show at most membership meetings, less formal but still judged. These shows are made up of floral designs, artistic crafts and horticultural specimens. The membership show typically are held in January, April, June, July, September, October and November.
Garden clubs throughout the state also hold flower shows that many of our members not only enjoy attending, but also exhibit and earn awards.
Examples of Small Standard Flower Show organized by Shippan Point Garden Club in Shippan neighborhoods are below.
Shippan Point Garden Club Standard Flower Shows
July 2016
Splendor By The Sea
Small Standard Flower Show

September 2013
Sailing in September
Small Standard Flower Show
October 2010
Shell We Dance
Small Standard Flower Show

October 2009
Off To School
Small Standard Flower Show
The Club members also attend large flower and garden shows such as:
The Connecticut State Flower & Garden Show is held each February at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford. In addition to attending, our club members enter designs and horticulture competitively. Many of our members also assist in organizing and helping to guide visitors during the show.
The Philadelphia Flower Show, the largest in the country, occurs in early March. The Shippan Point Garden Club often provides an all-day bus trip to the show, which is open to all interested gardeners, not just club members.