The Shippan Point Garden Club (SPGC) is an active group of gardeners and garden lovers that is focused on horticultural education, the environment, conservation and local community activities. Beautiful Gardens and Community Service are our passion!
Meetings & Shows
The Garden Club holds regular meetings to give members an opportunity to learn about gardening and to exhibit horticultural and floral arrangements.
Floral Designs
From beginners to experts, floral designers create and display artistic designs. As a member, learn to develop knowledge and skills from fellow members.
Garden Tours
A favorite group activity is visiting beautiful gardens, either touring member gardens, Botanical Gardens or a park known for its landscape design and plants.
Learning Activities
Luncheons followed by a guest speaker, horticulture and design meetings, informal get-togethers are wonderful opportunities to learn, to share your interests in gardening and to develop new friendships.
Community Outreach
The club has a commitment to the community -maintaining civic garden, providing garden therapy to a nursing home and continuing the local tradition of “Doors of Shippan.”
Interested in joining? Membership application