April 2021 Virtual Mini Bench Show Schedule
Note to Judges: All photos have been adjusted to the same width, which doesn’t impact their quality.
However, each should be clicked on to enlarge for judging. After viewing a photo, use the back arrow to return to this page.
Horticulture Gallery:
Class 1a: Narcissus – Single stem:
- Marieke
- Mt. Hood
- Unsurpassable
Class 1b: Trumpets Dutch Master:
- Narcissus Dutch Master-0
- Narcissus Dutch Master-1
- Narcissus Dutch Master-2
Class 1c Large Cups:
- Accent-Div 2
- Lucifer-Div 2
- Merel’s Favorite-Div 2
- Romance-Div 2
Class 1d Small Cups:
- Barrett Browning-Div 3
- Fly Half-Div 3
- Unnamed-Div 3
Class 1e Doubles:
- Acropolis-Div 4
- Feu de joie-Div 4.
- Unnamed-Div 4
- White Lion-Div 4
- Irene Copeland-Div 4
Class 1f Doubles ‘Tahiti’:
- Tahiti-Div 4-#3
- Tahiti-Div 4-#2
- Tahiti-Div 4-#1
Class 1g ‘Plant America’:
- Plant America-1
- Plant America-2
- Plant America-3
Class 1h All Other:
- Actaea
- Oxford Gold
- Plenus
- Tazetta
Class 2: Any other spring bulb – Single stem.
Class 2a Muscari:
- Muscari armeniacum
- Muscari latifoliam-1
- Muscari latifolium.2
- Muscari ‘Pink Sunrise’
Class 2b Hyacinths:
- Hyacinth-Aida
- Hyacinth-Blue Jacket
- Hyacinthus orientalis
Class 2c Tulips:
- Tulipa ‘Flair’
- Tulipa kaufmanniana ‘Heart’s Delight’
- Tulipa
Class 2d Any Other:
- Fritillaria meleagris
- Leucojum aestivum – Gravetye giant snowflake
- WhiteWell Crocus
Class 3: Daffodil collection:
- Fly Half, Oregon Pioneer, Cameo Flush, Broomhill, Magic Charm, Trigonmetry, Rapture, Cassata
- Golden Ducat, Butter & Eggs, Mt Hood, Minnow and Unsurpassable
- Manly, Sovereign _, Pink Charm, Merel’s Favorite
- Ringtone, Jetfire, Gold Ducat, Sailor Boy, 2YYW-W
- Seagull, Lucifer, King Alfred, tete a tete, cum laude, Mt. Hood, Ice Follies, Akita
- Tahiti, Green Pearl, Pacific Rim, Ice Follies, Dear Love
Class 4 – Any other spring collection:
- Collection Tulipa, Muscari, Anemonoides, Magnolia
- Dicentra, Helleborus, Brunerra macrophylla, Bergenia, Scilla siberica, Anemone blanda.
- Epimedium sulphureum, M. armeniacum, M. latifolium, M. botryoides album, S. chinodoxa forbesii
- Epimedium x warleyense ‘Orange Queen’, Primula polyantha, Ajuga reptans ‘Blueberry’, Ajuga reptans ‘ Burgundy Glow’, Dicentra spectabilis ‘Luxuriant’
- Euphorbia, Mertensia, Epimedium, Vinca major, Pulmonaria, Tiarella, Epimedium, Phlox stolonifera, Lalmia
- Chionodoxa, Muscari, Vinca, Scilla, Ipheion-crop
Class 5 – N/A
- 3. Jane Waugh-Green Leaf
Class 6 – N/A
- 3. Jane Waugh-Green Leaf
Class 7 – N/A
- 3. Jane Waugh-Green Leaf
Class 8 – N/A
- 3. Jane Waugh-Green Leaf
Class 9 Design: N/A
Design Gallery:
- 3. Jane Waugh-Green Leaf