Welcome Garden Photographed by Mimika Blanc
The Shippan Point Garden club is dedicated to improving our community with its many civic planting projects. Our goal is to plant and maintain various plantings with a focus on native and pollinator friendly perennials, shrubs and trees. Native and pollinator plants are selected to support wildlife, birds, bees and insects. This is beneficial to our environment by providing food.
We have had a tree planting program for Shippan since the club’s founding in 1925. Trees include maples on Shippan Avenue, cherry trees on Magee Avenue and many more throughout the peninsula. Over 400 trees have been planted with this ongoing project.
A variety of trees are planted, most of which are native to this region. Planting such a variety is a prudent plan to avoid destruction of all trees should one variety be attacked by pests or disease.
The project team for this planting works with Stamford’s Deputy Tree Warden to discuss new tree selection, location and planting.
Click here to view our Civic Planting Gallery
Our Gardens
The garden club has created and continues to maintain six gardens on Shippan Point or near its entrance:
Welcome Garden…located at the entrance to Shippan Point with Shippan Point sign
Gateway Garden…across the street from the Welcome Garden at the entrance to Shippan Point
Traffic Circle…at Shippan and Fairview Avenue.
Castle Garden…located at the intersection of Ocean Drive West and Rogers Road
Katrina Mygatt Recycling Center…gardens at the City of Stamford’s Recycling Center on Magee Avenue
Magee Avenue…allee of trees and planted nooks
Each garden is managed by a team leader who organizes work days for member-volunteers to weed, prune, plant and otherwise maintain these gardens throughout the seasons. Funding is provided by the proceeds from May Market. We welcome neighborhood volunteers to help our members with garden maintenance. It’s a fun way to meet neighbors and to learn some good gardening practices.
To volunteer or make a donation: